Brown CUP


by Naekobo in Hackney, London.

“nae 苗" which means “sprout”, and “kobo 工房" meaning “workshop”, together carry the meaning of ‘a space where ideas and objects come alive - a perpetually growing state’

Soft shapes and sensorial textures play a predominant part in Naekobo’s work, as well as her love for perceived incompleteness - pieces are given room to organically crack, and I score and roughen the surfaces combined with smoothing and refining, allowing a unique character of each piece to come through. 

Having grown up in Sweden in an Indian-Japanese home, a diverse appreciation for aesthetics throughout cultural contexts has shaped Naemi’s perceptions of harmony, while being attentive to modern and functional aspects of day-to-day products. 

Coming from a background in apparel product development and design, I was drawn to ceramics in 2017, when turning towards a slower, more sustainable and contemplative, one-(wo)man practice. 2018-19 was a formative period in my development as a ceramicist when I trained as a potter within a ceramic collective in Kyoto, Japan. 

All pieces are made in stoneware, and each piece is individually thrown on a potter’s wheel. 

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Diameter : 10 cm

Height : 6 cm